Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bart Is Sick

So, Bart has been feeling poorly and we have been weighing our options, not wanting to unnecessarily take him to the veterinarian, but by the same token, not wanting him to suffer. A guinea pig is not really an unusual animal, but it’s one that most of us don’t have any working knowledge of, so it’s the kind of thing you have to take to the internet to get feedback.

Reviewing the Emergency and Medical Forum on Guinea Lynx (which, based on the number of users is THE site), I know that all of these folks are sincere in their love of their animals, but still, here are some of my favorite discussions (based on the thread name):
  • Bladder Sludge Advice for Sassy
  • Brave Top Pig Snickers
  • Nibbles’ Medical Thread (urgent as of now)
  • Twitch and Colic
  • Frequency of Hooting
  • Robinson – Making Strange Noises
  • Sore bottom. (Picture inside.)
Note:  Sad to say, this post was written last November and Bart has passed on to the great beyond since then.   He had the sludge, we think.  This was originally posted on Shirbyosity, but I see that now it is really kind of sick and I should keep it out of the boys' space.  (Yes, we are going to try to get that going.)