Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Can See My House From Here!

It started with a link I got from my fellow conspiracy theorists about what the Google cameras look like:


And then we started talking about it -- and it is pretty fabulous to see a place so easily -- and were looking at everyone's houses and commenting things like, "Oh, yeah, that's when so and so was adding the new sunroom. Look, you can see the construction." Since I live in a fairly new, gated community I didn't think I'd see much, but, heh, I would be surprised.

Look! They came on trash day!

To try this for your own house, go to maps.google.com, enter a street address, select "Search maps," select "Street view." They're often not exactly on the address, but click the white runner to move backward and forward. Also, not all addresses are available yet.

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