Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dr. Horrible is Back!

Yay! is carrying Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog! Previously I posted about how great it was and included a link to the (stale) website where you could only watch the teaser. Now you can check it out for free, with ads. Enjoy.

Dr. Horrible!

If you're not already on the bandwagon with watching video on-line, let me be the next to recommend it to you. The commercials are short, the quality is excellent, you can watch all kinds of stuff you never thought you'd find. Favorite sites for me are: (Watch Samantha Who? and Pushing Daisies! Or Lost, seasons 1 - 3!) (Survivor!) (Most NBC shows, lots of FOX, and a whole lot of other really great content. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -- what could be better than that?)

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