Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Traffic Widget

Maintenance note:

I just added a traffic feed that I would probably have made private if I was techier and could figure that out. I'm thinking about making the blog itself private (which would make it harder for people that I want to have read it, to find it), but I wanted to get a feel for how much traffic the blog gets in the meantime, anyway.

Please tell me if you think the new widget is too intrusive. It's a new gadget that I can easily take down. Should blend into the woodwork since I think what I'm getting is mostly folks who click "Next Blog" -- plus my adored family members. ;-)

For what it's worth, I think it's kind of weird anyway. It thinks I live in Versailles (go ahead, pronounce that correctly, non-locals).

1 comment:

Basiljaz said...

Versailles reminds me of my favorite Lexington anecdote - when I first arrived at that third workplace which we have in common (and, coincidentally, the one in Lexington). I was asked how I liked Lexington. I said something along the lines of "I saw this cool place on Versailles Road (pronounced in my best poor French)" and the person I was speaking to turned their head at an angle (like a dog does when it's listening) and said "Whut"? I repeated my statement, working even harder on my poor French. The person thought for a second and then said "Oh! Oh! You mean VerSALES!!".