Sunday, August 31, 2008


Go right ahead and get all of those jokes out of your system. The best I've heard? "Geo-caching is how geeks spend time outdoors."

Heh. And even that is a geek's interpretation of caching.

Ok, so imagine this: Geeks all over the world think to themselves, weeeell, what if I hide something of little pecuniary importance and tell other geeks about it using a code and suggest to them that they will be superior to other geeks if they get here sooner than later...

That's geo-caching in a nutshell.

I love it and I totally blame bk for this mess. Bastard! I want to cache everywhere!

Here's a picture of where I went caching recently. I don't know if you can see it ... not being -- I assume -- an official member of OK, yeah, that is a really terrible pic! It was hot! What's your point!?

Hmmm... Check it out.


bk said...

Guilty as charged. :)

prettygoodlife said...

Like I said. Bastard. ;-)

Basiljaz said...

She whose name is spelled the same as mine tried to send a travel bug to me in NZ. It got as far as Hawaii before someone who clearly couldn't read decided to take it back to the mainland so it could "come home". You'll probably find it some weekend, it's so close to being where you are.

bk said...

Yeah, that was crappy... It took so long for the travel bug to really get going, and just when it seemed it might make it to you... Dang.

prettygoodlife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie said...

Sharon, oh my god! Julie Anne has been researching this since April or before! She was instantly excited about it and did all she could to research and be a geek just like the rest of you. You are more than related, you are geek-united! She won't believe it when I send her your recent entry.

Bloodlines....never know where they'll take you.

Julia said...

Damn it! Your blog entries are fabulous!I have such a blah existence in comparison. You have more energy than three Riley's.
Love you,

prettygoodlife said...

It's so funny you should mention that because I was out on the website checking out how many caches were placed near Minnehaha Falls (which seemed a natural to me). There are tons.

Next time I'm in the cities -- maybe over Thanksgiving -- we can go caching! It really is fun. More fun, in my opinion, when you actually get out of the city and go into the country and small towns.

Some amazing places are hidden right under our noses. The best thing about geo-caching is that it helps you find those places.