Well, since bk *complained* that I loaded a post with a prediction of what I was about to talk about (implying that might be cheating! As if!), let me summarize our weekend (three days -- one post!).
Friday night the tribe went to Pikeville with their uncle and grandmother (I think the Blue Crystal, their mom, had a date!). So bk and I went to see a one-woman play called Bad Dates. It was the best. The actor was so good that I had no hesitation standing up at the end. It was essentially a 90-minute monologue and you loved her by the end. Frankly, you loved her by the beginning. She was winning.
We found out from the boys today that the best part of their trip is that they got to stay in a hotel! Yay! I forget sometimes what excitement novelty is.
Then Saturday we got up and went and played tennis for well over an hour (we are getting better!), then we went back to his place, fired up the chainsaw, and filled three dumpsters (no, really, three) with ice storm damage. I mowed and raked and dumpstered, and bk sawed, and carried, and dumpstered. I'm really excited about how great the yard will look. bk is not into the lawn, but I discovered hostas and other desirable plants lurking and I think the yard will be heaven soon. Even if it does become my own personal project.
Today, we played tennis, went caching (1 for 3, boo hoo), planted in the back with the tribe, and prevailed at HORSE with the tribe.
Also, I am pretty convinced we are going to win the lottery this year. That's how good weekends like this make me feel.